The Contract Flooring Association Blog

Build UK Update

Source - Build UK

Keeping Construction Sites Operational
The clear message from the Prime Minister that construction sites can continue to operate, despite the increased restrictions, demonstrates the increasing recognition that construction is a significant part of the economy and the confidence the Government has in the industry implementing social distancing on sites.

Build UK has reviewed the changes announced this week and, where sites are complying with the relevant guidance in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, the impact is minimal. Tradespeople can also continue to undertake work in people’s homes. The Site Operating Procedures are currently being updated to reflect minor changes that have been introduced since the last version was published in July.

Changes to Restrictions
Following the introduction of the new restrictions, there are some things that people need to do differently, with slight variances across the four nations, including:

  • Face coverings are now required to be worn in indoor premises providing hospitality, except when seated at a table to eat and drink. This will apply to canteens and the Construction Leadership Council (CLC) statement on face coverings is being reviewed to ensure it reflects the new requirements.
  • Car sharing to and from work is still permitted in England and Wales, although people should try to avoid sharing a vehicle with those outside their household or support bubble, whilst Scotland has restricted it to people from the same household unless absolutely necessary.

Build UK continues to make the point that variations in restrictions across the four nations is not helpful for businesses that work across the whole of the UK.


Chancellor's Winter Economic Plan
The Chancellor unveiled his Winter Economy Plan yesterday, which included a new Job Support Scheme for six months to replace the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme when it ends on 31 October. Employees will be required to work a third of their regular hours to qualify, with the Government and employer each contributing 33% of the employee’s usual pay for hours not worked. The Self Employment Income Support Scheme will also be extended until April 2021.

Applications for the Government’s coronavirus loan schemes will be extended until 30 November, with a successor ‘loan guarantee programme’ to be launched in January 2021. The Bounce Back Loan Scheme will be supplemented by a ‘Pay as You Grow’ scheme, which will enable loans to be extended from six to 10 years, and both the Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme and Coronavirus Large Business Interruption Loan Scheme will see their terms extended up to a maximum of 10 years where required.

Coronavirus Testing
If a member of the workforce shows any of the three main COVID‐19 symptoms, they should get a test within five days and self‐isolate until they have received their test result. In accordance with Government guidance, colleagues who were in close contact do not need to self‐isolate, unless requested to do so by NHS Test and Trace. They should be informed that a colleague (who should remain anonymous) may have COVID‐19 and they should take extra care in practising social distancing and good hygiene.

Employers who are informed of more than one confirmed case should contact their local Public Health England Health Protection Team.

Contact Tracing App 
The NHS COVID‐19 app has been launched in England and Wales to help control the spread of coronavirus. Although not legally required to do so, construction sites can create a unique NHS QR code and posters to display at each site entrance. Sites can also play their part by encouraging their workforce to download and use the app outside of work.

Self-Isolation Support
A new Test & Trace Support payment of £500 will be available to those on lower incomes who are required to self‐isolate and cannot work from home. The scheme should be in place by 12 October and payments backdated to 28 September.

VAT Repayments
Businesses that deferred their VAT payments earlier this year will now have the option to repay in 11 interest‐free instalments during the 2021‐22 financial year, rather than in one lump sum at the end of March 2021, to help with cashflow.