The Contract Flooring Association Blog

CITB Coronavirus Response Update

Source - CITB

Today’s update on CITB’s work to support the construction industry during the COVID-19 crisis focusses on the launch of our newly expanded Skills and Training Fund which, in addition to the support for micro and small companies includes a new fund for Medium sized employers, and our forthcoming Leadership and Management Development Fund for larger businesses.

To see the support packages CITB has already introduced for employers please visit our COVID-19 update page.


Skills and Training Fund
Our new Skills and Training Fund has been refreshed and now encompasses two strands supporting; micro and small companies (up to 100 employees), medium sized businesses (up to 250 employees) to become a wider offer for employers. CITB has adapted to the COVID-19 situation by amending the scope of activity that will be supported offering more flexibility on what businesses can apply for.

The fund comprises of two streams:
•    A Skills and Training Fund for Micro and Small Businesses where businesses can apply for a maximum of £10,000 (full details and how to apply here) depending on the size of the employer
•    A Skills and Training fund for Medium sized businesses where employers with up to 250 employees are eligible to receive up to £25,000 (full details and how to apply here).

Based on employer need the fund will allow businesses to define then address their particular challenges. The focus has broadened from productivity and innovation, to helping employers with business sustainability and skill retention – key concerns for the construction industry in the extraordinary circumstances we find ourselves in at the moment.

Thanks to feedback from our customers the stream for medium sized businesses includes greater flexibility on funding rules to ensure it addresses employers’ immediate needs. I urge interested employers to contact their local CITB Advisor to talk about how they can make this funding opportunity work for them.

The attached video provides further information on the funds. The news story on the launch can be read here.

Leadership and Management Development Fund
Employers of all sizes need support which is why our fund for large companies will be launched on April 14. Its focus will be on retention of critical skills and investment in leadership and management development and training. More details will follow shortly.

CITB's COVID-19 updates page is being refreshed daily and includes information on a range of subjects including Grants, Funding and the NCC. Please click here to view it.