Coronavirus – CFA Update 23 April 2020
Getting back to work – As long as it is safe to do so
The Construction Leadership Council (CLC) have launched version 3 of the Site Operating Procedures adding much more content to help those in construction stay safe.
The CFA understands the Government’s desire to keep the entire supply chain active and to support the continuation of construction and flooring works wherever possible. We share their concern that this should only happen when it is safe to do so.
CFA welcome the more robust guidance for “work planning to avoid close working”, including risk assessments and a hierarchy of controls. We would encourage members to review all the guidelines carefully and apply them appropriately. We understand that some members still have concerns about social distancing on site and we would draw their attention to the following in V3 of the SOP.
PHE guidance for construction states “Where it is not possible to follow the social distancing guidelines in full in relation to a particular activity, you should consider whether that activity needs to continue for the site to continue to operate, and, if so, take all the mitigating actions possible to reduce the risk of transmission”
The health and safety requirements of any construction activity must also not be compromised at this time. If an activity cannot be undertaken safely, it should not take place."
Please note that Scottish and Welsh Governments have published their own guidance. In Scotland this includes construction sector guidance and a list of essential and non-essential projects.
Further information regarding the support available for CFA members can be found at