The Contract Flooring Association Blog

Brexit: Border Operating Model

The UK has left the Single Market and Customs Union and it is essential that businesses make the necessary preparations to continue to trade with the EU.

The Border Operating Model has been updated to reflect the UK’s new Trade and Cooperation Agreement  with the EU. The vast majority of the Border Operating Model remains unchanged. The main updates that have been made relate to:

  • how to claim preferential rates of duty by meeting Rules of Origin requirements,
  • the listing status for equines,
  • mutual recognition for AEO status, and
  • updated requirements for wine and organics.

Guidance now includes case studies that have been created to represent end-to-end scenarios that will happen between GB and EU, importing and exporting goods from January 2021. These show not just the journeys for standard goods, but also for journeys with additional requirements such as those using the Common Transit Convention or transporting controlled goods. This should still be used in conjunction with the Border Operating Model which will contain further details, particularly for controlled goods.

For more information, click here.